Monday, May 21, 2007


Originally uploaded by limowreck666.

As noted in earlier posts this exercise got me back online at home after a long long long time gone (7 years-bet my old cyberfriends thought I was dead). Jenny Westlund deserves a Gold Star for answering my questions along the way, as does Anna Seaburg,Pam Riess and Kathleen Olsen. Got to change coding to make a word hyperlink, way cool. That embedding of a video got done without any outside help (patting my back). Than again image generators proved a old bird can learn new tricks: got a drivers licence, birdtags (dogtags)for Merdee and 2 different personality make-overs for my real self ;). Wiki's-- still trying to get a 'inhouse' use for but found one in a heart beat for my husbands workplace; set it up, put some useful links in it and some questions for others, gave them the url and password and hope it flys. Library Things will keep my busy for years if I let it with my own library at home--all 7 plus shelf units of it (and yes, it's organized by type/author, I work at a library after all ). Didn't see the usefulness of My Space but than again I don't work in the public part of 'us' anymore. What to blog about for each segment wasn't always clear to me (like what's it asking for the next one?) but hopefully my muddled thru it OK... and Yes need to keep my brain from fading away, more knowledge/training should keep that from happening :))))) Booting up my time machine and it says maybe a little more time through out but otherwise would do this again. Not sure it this is a new topic and just a blend of two others but here goes:
chat room with document/video sharing..meebo, an award winner I surfed on over to. Can see uses if it's secure in library work.

Listen up

Originally uploaded by michele.pedrolli.
25 already {hearty sigh}....well I have a PC online at home so it looks like the assignment is to download Overdrive--can't do it at work-;( In the meantime went over to the catalog on ebooks and as the exercise said I 'looked around'. Went to an author I read paper books from and highlighted a title I haven't read/listened to yet. Was surprised that besides the usual publishing information it also said a CD was allowed to be burned during the check out time.,,,that's like a whole free book on cd for just the discs!! (I'd do that to a title I enjoy to 'reread' on an otherwise boring autotrip--gas prices willing). An upgrade to our cellphones a few weeks ago came with more that just a phone: camera, fm radio and a mp3 player. So I got the simcard for that, call it my learners license til I get a 'real' mp3 (jolly laugh).
Maybe just maybe between this Library 2.0, new PC with broadband hookup and muliti-use cell phone I'll get in the new century yet before it disappears ;)

ear, ear

Doing this blog in the morning hoping the type 2 words wait 2 minutes crush of the afternoon doesn't rollover to the am. Was stated earlier I am trying to catch up on a 7 year dought of NO online computer at home. I went 'live' at home on Saturday noonish :) To help me jump the gap I decided that some podcasts on the future of web/library 2.0 wouldn't hurt.
sirsidynixinstitute and talk.talis are two that should help with that goal. (p.s. found the smileys again in my email but still won't let me put them on again in the blog *tear*

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Talk On

Went to the Web 2.0 Award nominees, noticed we did one from most of the subject endings for the 27 Things. Did find something interesting Meebo messaging that is more than talktalk, can even 'share' watching a video ordocument. This should have possablities for 'show and tell'learning with groups in different actual locations. That was the only site of interest today,,,,on to work ;)

What's new pussy cat?

hello kitty roller rescue
Originally uploaded by Rakka.
Went into Google Trends to look around as the assignment asked and actually found some news !shock! I just looked at the topics Google offered--I've not been online at home for 9 years so lots that's new to me is old as dinosaurs by now. Only one article caught my eye ...claimed that by end of 2006 AOL would be free on high-speed internet access. hhmmm I'll be finding out by the end of the week. All this 2.0 learning got me interested in a home link-up again (plus there's finally a ISP worth having at home now). Til a 'talk' on a listserve I belong to mentioned 3d printers. I wasn't sure what else to ask the Google search. An article about 3d maps was found--Virtual Earth 3d (when I asked Flickr for 3d Seattle this was one of the pics but no overview of the city :( ). For someone who can condense their interest into one or two words that are also meaningful to the 'lab' the search maybe worth it. Me, I need some more basic knowledge before it's worth it to me, ie IMHO

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Thought for food

Le Penseur - Musee Rodin
Originally uploaded by BabyDinosaur.
As I wrote in previous post-I am NOT a writer. Main reason this blog post is out of weekly order---I HATE book reports. Well onward & ever outward:
Away From Icebergs
"it no longer makes sense to 'collect' in the traditional sense at all'".
IS HE CRAZY!!!! Call me Doctor McCoy from Star Trek if you well but I think people will always want to hold a book in their hand and turn the pages (at least with pleasure reading). Granted lots on nonfiction changes so fast that there a 'fast' source of that reading is a must.
Even with online sources there has to be a level of 'online smarts' to use it and not everyone goes to the computer knowing what/how to get what they need. Some of the places in this 2.0 I have visited already I'd say are NOT user friendly for someone not 'surfing' away parts of every day. Also the poor are not so able to have online sources and libraries should NOT leave them out of the information assessment.
Into a New World of Libriarnship
Basely I thought he said let the patron be involved in how the library should be...I think we are already doing that (as a nice patron tax based 'being' should). Tech for tech shake is a no-no, but tech that can do what a patron whats of it/us is a must to have. Never stop looking ahead so the future doesn't run us over for the best library service able. By the way his EXCESSIVE use of 'this librarian' was for this tech very annoying.
To More Powerful Ways to Co-operate
Nilges is teasing me with a future with WorldCat available with authorization--can't wait. I see the value of WorldCat in my work but don't have authorization for it now so when this is available my work will add valuable information for the next person so deals with it :)
Most of the article was over my non-librarian head but sounds like he say's more data with a standard so more searches but be done with duplicating effort and with more people being able to use and maybe even add to the information available is in the near near future.
As I wrote am not a writer, took me 2 weeks to read, digest and report of these, have mercy!!;)

Author Author

Originally uploaded by mrvklaw.
Well as a writer I am NOT but I can bluff my way through some simple things. Tried that on Zulu and Google. First of all I hated the narrow field to edit with in both Z and G. Can't see whole page! Than tried to redo a bad edit, for whatever reason Zulu wouldn't let me . Zulu's auto save every few seconds bothered me also-too much, too often, too distracting. Couldn't even 'find' the edit feature I wanted in Google. Oh, did I mention, this is in the word processor. On the other hand or wing, I loved Google's automatic wrap around when I got too wordy for the box. Went to Word to edit my document and happy happy got it edited and on it's merry way. Maybe if I did more writing and knew the tools available better Z & G would have 'worked' for me but for now looks like I'm with Word-at work and sadly costly me $$ and getting it at home too.